Fan Mail



Flash Movies


Fan Mail

About the authors

hey i love you i luv that house guy person "this is my house" i felt bad for you cz no one gave yuo an e-mail so if this makes u fele better i love you n so does my friend well g2g bye

If you're wondering how I responded...

1: Getting no email is better than getting email I can't read.
2: What makes you think I haven't gotten email? Have you been hacking my account? You scare me, leave me alone.
3: I already have plenty of friends, and they all know how to spell.
4: If you aren't a girl, you really scare me, really leave me alone.
5: I hope you don't mind if I publicly ridicule your email.

And here's how she responded to my response:

woah, i am a girl, why do you think im not? i do know hot to spell thank you. i thought you havn't gotten mail is because i seen it in your site, and yes i do mind if u publicly ridicule me.

"i do know hot to spell thank you." I have nothing more to say.